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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


7 Days in Slow Motion
India , 2009.

Directed by: Umakanth Thumrugoti
Script: Umakanth Thumrugoti
Producer: Umakanth Thumrugoti
Production company: Kanth Films
Cinematography: Derth Adams
Editing: Jacques Gravett, Umakanth Thumrugoti
Music: Anu Malik
Cast: Kishan Das, Paru Gambhir, Ayesha Jalil, Vivek Mushran, Josiah Polhemus, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Kunal Sharma

Format: video
Running time: 100'

Set in Hyderabad, the film focuses on young Ravi, a boy ordinary in every way except for his extraordinary obsession with movies. When he finds a filmmaker’s lost camera, he sets out, along with his two friends, to make a film in a mere seven days. However, the demands of school and family interfere and set the film’s production behind schedule. Ravi soon realizes that the stories that most need to be told are not the fruit of his imagination, but the daily dramas that unfold all around him.

Directors Biography
Umakanth Thumrugoti began his career at Disney training on 'Lion King' and proceeding to earn credits as a CG artist on 'Pocahonatas Fantasia 2000', 'Treasure Planet', 'Chicken Little' etc. In his 15 year stint at Disney, he worked in development as well as production. '7 Days in Slow Motion' is his first live action film.

Location and screening schedule:
Europa Cinema, Monday, October 19th at 13.00
MOVIEPLEX Cinema, Monday, October 19th at 18.00
EUROPA Cinema, Saturday, October 24th at 11.00

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The Great 5

My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

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Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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