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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Funk-y-stretch by Black Tooth (out of the competition) / Fank-i-lastiš Crnog Zuba (izvan konkurencije)
Srbia , 2009.

Directed by: Koja
Script: Koja
Producer: Koja
Production company: MCF, MegaCom Film
Cinematography: FLCZ ekipa
Editing: Koja
Music: Koja & kru

Format: video
Running time: 88'

Belgrade 2004. Crni Zub sets out on a search for a good material. Shooting along the way with an old camera, he organizes five exclusive city events in the club FLU Akademija where he is playing the guitar, improvising and creating music ‘on the spot’, together with established and widely different Belgrade musicians. Animated parts depicting preparation, wondering and events experienced by Crni Zub are screened on the wall behind the musicians during the gig, as well as in the breaks between the improvisations. After 88 minutes of intensive search, the mission is successfully drawn to an end in a rock and roll cacophony. Mission accomplished, the material found!

Directors Biography
KOJA (Dušan Kojiæ) born in 1961 is a legendary artist, author, singer and bass player. His first trace on the music scene was left in 1980 while playing in Šarlo Akrobata, the most important new wave band in this region. After the band ceased to exist, he founded Disciplina Kième. Even though mostly known by his own music work, Koja created music for films, theatre and, TV, produced albums for other bands and gained a reputation of a respectable DJ. ‘Fank-i-lastiš Crnog Zuba’is his first feature length music film.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Wednesday, October 21st at 23.00

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The Great 5

My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

Brave Producers


Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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