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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Mother / Majka
Bosnia and Hercegovina , 2009.

Directed by: Elmir Jukiæ
Script: Elmir Jukiæ
Producer: Ademir Kenoviæ
Production company: Refresh Production
Cinematography: Erol Zubèeviæ
Editing: Almir Kenoviæ
Music: Dino Å ukalo
Cast: Jasna Žalica, Moamer Kasumoviæ

Format: HD
Running time: 15'

'Mother' is a film about loneliness, and about an urge of a mother from Srebrenica, to bring her family together once again. She cuts out her sons and her husband from the old photos, and creates a brand new photo, one that was never taken. Beautiful family photo, that brings them all together once again among the roses in an imaginary heaven.

Directors Biography
Elmir Jukiæ was born in Sarajevo in 1971. In 2000, he graduated directing from the Sarajevo Academy of Drama Arts. In theatre he has directed Kafka's 'The Trial', Sidran's 'U Zvorniku ja sam ostavio svoje srce’, Bašoviæev's ‘Priviðenja iz srebrenog vijeka’ and Mihanoviæev's ‘Žaba’. He has directed short films based on his own scripts - ‘Èovjek koji je kuæu zamijenio za tunel’, ‘Ram za sliku moje domovine’ and ‘Mother’. He directs TV series 'Lud, zbunjen, normalan'.

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Monday, October 19th at 9.00
SC Cinema, Monday, October 19th at 20.00

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