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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


The Door
Ireland , 2008.

Directed by: Juanita Wilson
Script: Juanita Wilson
Producer: Tanya Neistova
Production company: Octagon Films
Cinematography: Tim Fleming
Editing: Nathan Nugent
Music: Brian Doyle
Cast: Igor Sigov, Juliette Gering, Liliya Grechk, Vahtang Tchhaitze

Format: 35mm
Running time: 17'

'The Door' is a universal symbol of life, of death, of entering the next life. It has many associations inherent in it, both positive and negative. It can mean an opportunity gained or an opportunity lost: As one door opens, another one closes... The film opens with an absurd act: stealing a door. This raises a question in the viewer’s mind, a question which is not answered until the final shot where the door’s purpose is revealed. Then, what had seemed an absurd act turns into a simple statement of human dignity, of people making sense of loss through ritual. The story moves forwards and backwards in time, revealing the events retrospectively as the viewer bears witness to the universal tragedy of Chernobyl through the eyes of one man.

Cork International Film Festival 2008 Claire Lynch Award for Best First Short by an Irish Director
Foyle Film Festival 2008 Best Irish Short Film
Bilbao International Film Festival 2008 Gold Medal Fiction
Irish Film and Television Awards 2008 Best Short Film
Sarajevo Film Festival 2009 Katrin Cartlidge Bursary 2009

Directors Biography
Juanita Wilson studied art at the Dublin National College of Art and Design, and took her MBA in art management at the University College in Dublin. Having finished, she studied film production on the Irish Film Institute and worked for several years on independent film productions in Dublin. In 1997 she founded Metropolitan Films. Juanita wrote a number of short stories, one act plays and scripts the last of which is the adaptation of the famous book ‘As If I am Not There’ by Croatian writer Slavenka Drakuliæ on the war on the Balkans. In 2008, she directed her first short film ‘The Door’.

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Wednesday, October 21st at 11.00
SC Cinema, Wednesday, October 21st at 22.30

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