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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Storm / Sturm
Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands , 2009.

Directed by: Hans Christian Schmid
Script: Bernd Lange, Hans-Christian Schmid
Producer: Britta Knoeller, Hans-Christian Schmid
Production company: 23/5 Filmproduktion
Cinematography: Bogumil Godfrejów
Editing: Hansjoerg Weissbrich
Music: The Notwist
Cast: Kerry Fox, Anamaria Marinca, Stephen Dillane, Rolf Lassgard, Alexander Fehling, Tarik Filipoviæ, Krešimir Mikiæ

Format: 35mm
Running time: 105'

Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor at the tribunal in The Hague, is leading a trial against Goran Duric, who is accused of the deportation and killing of Bosnian-Muslim civilians in a small town in what is now the Republika Srpska. When a key witness is ensnared in the contradictions of his testimony, the court sends a delegation to Bosnia to get a definitive picture of the events on site. Doubts as to the witness' credibility are confirmed. Shortly afterwards, he commits suicide. For Hannah, the case is not yet lost. Hoping to uncover new findings, she travels to the witness' burial in Sarajevo and meets his sister Mira. Hannah senses that Mira has more to say about the de¬fendant than she is willing to admit, but she is afraid to face up to the past and endanger the future she has built up with her family in Germany after the war. Hannah finally manages to win her trust and convinces her to testify in The Hague. Shortly before the critical hearing, Duric's defense tries to have Mira's testimony disallowed and finds unexpected support from the side of the judiciary. Hannah realizes that her opponents are not only to be found at the dock, but also among her own ranks.

Prize of the Guild of German Art House Cinemas, Amnesty International Film Prize

Directors Biography
Hans-Christian Schmid was born in Altoetting in 1965 and studied at the University of Television & Film in Munich. He made his directorial debut in 1989 with the documentary 'Sekt oder Selters' followed by the short 'Das lachende Gewitter', the documentary 'The Mechanism of the Miracle' and the TV film 'Himmel und Hoelle'. His breakthrough came in 1995 with 'It's A Jungle Out There'. His other highly-acclaimed films include: '23' (1998), 'Crazy' (2000), 'Distant Lights' (2003), 'Requiem' (2006), 'The Wondrous World of Laundry' (2009), and Storm (2009).

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Tuesday, October 20th at 14.00
Europa Cinema, Tuesday, October 20th at 21.30

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