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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


White Lightnin' (out of competition)
UK , 2008.

Directed by: Dominic Murphy
Script: Shane Smith, Eddy Moretti
Producer: Mike Downey, Sam Taylor
Production company: Film & Music Entertainment
Cinematography: Tim Maurice-Jones
Editing: Sam Sneade
Music: Nick Zinner
Cast: Edward Hogg, Carrie Fisher, Muse Watson, Owen Campbell

Format: 35mm
Running time: 84'

Some people spend their whole lives running from who they really are, but Jesco White uses tap dancing to keep his demons at bay. At the tender age of six, he started getting high by huffing gasoline and stolen lighter fluid. Growing up, Jesco often found himself shuffling between reform schools, work camps, and his home in West Virginia—until his father, famous mountain dancer D. Ray White, taught him how to tap. After his father's murder, Jesco begins to dance to control his increasingly wicked ways. Wearing his late father's tap shoes, he takes his show on the road, where he meets Cilla, the love of his life. Sadly, Jesco's troubled past doesn't stay gone for long, and we are forced to bear witness to the dual powers of revenge and redemption, and the bone-chilling lengths that he will go to have both.

Fant-Asia Film Festival 2009, Jury Prize - Best First Film
Berlin International Film Festival 2009
Sundance Film Festival 2009

Directors Biography
Dominic Murphy went to work immediately after film school, and spent eight years directing a wide range of material for television, including documentaries, arts programs, and short dramas, developing a signature style in performance-driven filmmaking. 'White Lightnin' is his first feature film.

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Friday, October 23rd at 11.00
SC Cinema, Friday, October 23rd at 23.30
EUROPA Cinema, Saturday, October 24th at 17.00

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Feature films

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The Great 5

My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

Brave Producers


Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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