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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Sevdah (out of competition), / Sevdah
Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina , 2009.

Directed by: Marina Andree
Script: Jelena Paljan, Marina Andree
Producer: Darija Kulenoviæ Gudan, Marina Andree
Production company: Studio Dim, Fabrika
Cinematography: Sandi Novak
Editing: Staša Èelan, Marina Andree
Music: Damir Imamoviæ Trio

Format: video
Running time: 66'

Sevdah is a sense of life tainted with melancholy, yearning and beautiful sadness, which in Bosnia is expressed through the national song – sevdalinka. Music author, performer and researcher Damir and the director Marina were brought together by the death of their mutual friend, a passionate lover of sevdah, Farah. In an attempt to face their personal loss and grief, they created a film about sevdah and shaped it as an emotional, musical, lyrical and visual journey through the soul of Bosnia, through their feelings and memories.

Directors Biography
Marina Andree was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1973. She graduated editing from the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb. With her colleague Darija Kulenoviæ Gudan she founded a production company Studio dim. Marina has directed more than 30 music video clips, 50 TV commercials and numerous corporate films. She works as a director and producer. ‘Sevdah’ is her first feature documentary.

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Friday, October 23rd at 17.00
Europa Cinema, Saturday, October 24th at 13.00
DOKUKINO Croatia, Saturday, October 24th at 21.00

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