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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Uncle Sem and the Bosnian Dream / Lo Zio Sem e il Sogno Bosniaco
Italy , 2008.

Directed by: Chiara Brambilla
Script: Chiara Brambilla
Producer: Gianfilippo Pedote, Francesco Virga, Marco Visalberghi
Production company: Mir Cinematografica, DocLab
Cinematography: Harm Griekspoor
Editing: Claudio Cormio

Format: video
Running time: 52'

In Visoko, Bosnia and Hercegovina, the amateur archaeologist Semir Osmanagiæ claims to have discovered the biggest pyramids on Earth. Uncle Sem and The Bosnian Dream is a light human comedy about the life in this little Bosnian village, where the pyramids’ discovery becomes a chance to tell people’s dreams and hopes. These pyramids are the setting of a unique and surreal spectacle, in wich excavation sessions, tourist invasions and the search for truth follow one another with chasing rhythm. Fantasy and imagination finally turn out to be the best way of reinventing ones’ life.

Bellaria Film Festival - Best Documentary

Directors Biography
Chiara Brambilla, born in 1982, lives and works in Milano. She graduated in 2004 at Università degli Studi di Milano in Cultural Heritage and Conservation-Cinema and Theatre. Her first documentary ‘Plastic House’ (2006) was completely self-financed. ‘Uncle Sem & the Bosnian Dream’ is her second documentary feature.

Location and screening schedule:
SC Cinema, Tuesday, October 20th at 17.00
Europa Cinema, Wednesday, October 21st at 10.00
DOKUKINO Croatia, Wednesday, October 21st at 19.00

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The Great 5

My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

Brave Producers


Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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