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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Zagreb Stories / Zagrebaèke prièe
Croatia , 2009.

Directed by: Nebojša Slijepèeviæ, Matija Klukoviæ, Goran Odvorèiæ, Ivan Sikavica, Branko Ištvanèiæ, Zvonimir Juriæ, Ivan Ramljak, Marko Škobalj, Igor Mirkoviæ, Dario Pleiæ, Zoran Sudar
Script: Nebojša Slijepèeviæ, Matija Klukoviæ, Goran Odvorèiæ, Ivan Skorin, Edi Mužina, Zvonimir Juriæ, Ivan Ramljak, Marko Škobalj
Producer: Boris T. Matiæ
Production company: Propeler Film
Cinematography: Almir Fakiæ, Bojana Burnaæ, Almir Fakiæ, Jakov Lerotiæ, Ivan Slipèeviæ, Josip Ivanèiæ, Silvestar Kolbas
Editing: Iva Kraljeviæ, Matija Klukoviæ, Goran Odvorèiæ, Nina Velniæ, Veljko Segariæ, Vladimir Gojun, Marin Juraniæ, Hrvoslava Brkušiæ, Ivana Fumiæ, Krunoslav Kušec
Music: Ante Perkoviæ, Semir Sammy Hasiæ, Josip Klobuèar
Cast: Ivan Komušar, Mijo Takaè, Saša Maglaiæ, Damir Železnik – Piko, Asja Jovanoviæ, Andrea Rumenjak, Filip Loziæ, Filip Deteliæ, Slaven Španoviæ, Ivan Bošnjak, Slaven Knezoviæ, Ana Maras, Asim Ugljen, Erol Neziri, Lana Bariæ, Marija Škarièiæ, Ivan Žada, Zlatko Buriæ Kiæo, Ivan Džaja, Ivan Krželj, Frano Maškoviæ, Ivana Rošèiæ, Aldin Omeroviæ, Zrinka Cvitešiæ, Marija Kohn, Pero Kvrgiæ, Inge Appelt, Filip Karabelj, Kruno Belko, Ivana Seferoviæ, Danko Ljuština, Suzana Nikoliæ, Dušan Buæan

Format: 35mm
Running time: 110'

A Slap in the Face, directed by Nebojša Sljepèeviæ.
Thirteen year old Hrvoje has a special gift – he is extremely good at getting in trouble.

Film by Goran Odvorèiæ and Matija Klukoviæ for Asja Jovanoviæ and Andrea Rumenjak.
Mother leaves her daughter who is about to came of age and the burden of the subject is felt both in front of and behind the camera.

Špansko, the continent, directed by: Ivan Sikavica.
A story of men's world which misses women.

Recycling, directed by: Branko Ištvanèiæ.
It is early morning and a Roma family living on the outskirts of a European metropolis is off to the landfill as the recycling day is starting.

Yellow moon, directed by Zvonimir Juriæ.
Two neighbors are having a coffee.

The Smartest Neighborhood in the Country, directed by: Ivan Ramljak, Marko Škobalj.
TV crew arrives to the Zagreb neighborhood of Siget in order to investigate an unusual phenomenon that has befallen its residents.

Game Over, directed by: Dario Pleiæ
Duje is a fanatic player of the computer game World of Warcraft who walks the thin line between the virtual and the real.

Bill collector, directed by: Igor Mirkoviæ.
A bill collector rings the door bell of the old couple Klara (75) and Stanko (80), and the bill collector is black! Is he really who he claims to be? What should Klara and Stanko do?

Chanell, directed by: Zoran Sudar
The Roma boy Vejsil wakes up, puts on his best cloths and goes to enroll in the school. But the road to the school is full of obstacles.

Directors Biography
Nebojša Slijepèeviæ was born in Zagreb in 1973. where he graduated film and TV directing from the Academy of Drama Art. Selected filmography: ‘Start – The End’ (co-directed with Biljana Èakiæ, First Prize at One Minute Film Festival in Požega), ‘Vinko on the Roof’ (award for the best script at FRKA), documentary serial ‘Direkt’ (35 episodes, episode ‘Without Dad’ - best script award on Days of Croatian Film and audience award on ZagrebDox), documentary show ‘City Folk – Zagreb (award in the Cross Border Prix Circom Program, Liverpool, presented on a dozen European televisions).

Goran Odvorèiæ was born in Zagreb in 1980. He has long been working on film. Out of the material shot for this film he edited his own cut titled ‘Ciao Mama’ screened this year in the official short film competition in Cannes. He has tried his luck as an actor in the film ‘Nobody Sees You But You’ by Matija Klukoviæ.

Matija Klukoviæ was born in Zagreb in 1982. Since 1999 he has been a director assistant, script writer for TV series, music videos and short film director. His debut feature film ‘Slow Days’ was awarded at Zagreb Film Festival.
Ivan Sikavica graduated journalism from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb in 2008. He has worked as a journalist, attended TV workshops and studied film editing on Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb for a year. ‘Špansko, the Continent’ is his first film experience.

Branko Ištvanèiæ was born in Subotica in 1967. and graduated film and TV directing from the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb. Documentary films (selection): ‘Slavonian Harvest’ (Golden Oil Lamp at Days of Croatian Film), ‘A Cormorant Scarecrow’ (Grand Prix at Days of Croatian Film, Oktavijan Award), ‘A Railway Disappearing in the Distance’, ‘Bunarman’ (Oktavijan Award, best director award at Days of Croatian Film, Bucharest and Corto Imola), ‘Lost Tresure’. He made his debut feature for children ‘Ghost in the Swamp’ in 2008.

Zvonimir Juriæ was born in Osijek in 1971. He graduated film and TV directing from the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb in 1999. His directing career begins with the award winning documentaries ‘Sky over Osijek’ (Oktavijan Award and Best Director award at Days of Croatian Film), ‘Juriæ: Tvrða 1999’ and ‘The Blacks Endured, and Me?’. His first feature film is ‘The One Who Will Remain Unnoticed’ (Breza Award for the best debut at Pula Film Festival), followed by the second part of the omnibus ‘Sex, Booze and Short Fuse’. He co-directed and co-wrote feature film ‘The Blacks” (with Goran Deviæ).

Ivan Ramljak was born in Zagreb in 1974. He has studied electric engineering and has long worked as a journalist and editor in written and electronic media covering film and music. From 1999 to 2004 he was one of the managers of the club Moèvara, author of Film Nights program in Moèvara and organizer of the first Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb. Since 2006 he has worked as a film producer and director.

Marko Škobalj was born in 1974. He writes original comic books scripts, poetry, short stories and reviews. He is a translator of technical texts, comics and books, freelance copywriter, author of eight film scripts and director of two short films.

Dario Pleiæ was born in Split in 1967. He graduated theatre, TV and film directing from the ARTTS International in the Great Britain in 1995. He is a co-author of the play ‘Cry For Innocence’ (1995) played at Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Since 1996 he has produced and directed TV programs for BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Fuji TV and other televisions worldwide, documentaries, commercials and TV jingles. He has produced and directed independent film ‘Lovebug’ and he has been writing the script for feature film ‘Rotor’ together with Nenad Stipaniæ, the author of the collection of short stories ‘It is Great to Be Involved in Criminal Activities’ on which the film is based.

Igor Mirkoviæ was born in Zagreb in 1965. He is a TV journalist and director, awarded author of TV shows and documentaries. Filomgraphy: ‘Waste’ (feature film debut), ‘L.A. Unfinished’, ‘The Tenth Film’, ‘Happy Child’ (most-seen Croatian film in national theatres in 2004), ‘Who Wants to Be a President?’ (second most-seen Croatian film in national theatres in 2001), ‘Orbanici Unplugged’. He is the director of the Motovun Film Festival.

Zoran Sudar graduated film and TV directing from the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb as well as world literature and the English language from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He has authored many commercials and TV films. His feature film ‘Last Will’ has won Breza Award for the best debut and Audience Award at Pula Film Festival, as well as Veèernjakova ruža Award for the best feature film. He directs and writes the TV series ‘Zlatni vrè’ and the second season of the TV series ‘Naši i vaši’.

Location and screening schedule: SC Cinema, Saturday, October 24th at 20.00

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Film As Propaganda

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