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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Day of the Dead / Dan mrtvih
Croatia , 2009.

Directed by: Dario Lonjak
Script: Robert Roklicer
Producer: Vedran Å uvar
Production company: Akademija dramske umjetnosti Zagreb
Cinematography: Darko Heriè
Editing: Miro Manojloviæ
Cast: Robert Ugrina, Robert Roklicer, Sreæko Vuèiæ

Format: video
Running time: 10'

‘Day of the Dead' is a short feature trash comedy. The main protagonist, Robert, has a very unusual day. On that day, for the first time he drives his new limo to the office. But, when he arrives there he gets fired, goes back home and finds out that his wife cheats on him and finally a local thief attempts to steal his car. Robi takes justice in his own hands and solves the problems in a simpler way.

Directors Biography
Dario Lonjak was born in Karlovac in 1987. In primary school he joins Video group of the Karlovac gymnasium and at the age of fourteen he makes his first experimental documentary ‘Selo moje malo’ which won 1st prize at the national festival of young authors. The following film, short feature ‘Zora’, screened at a number of festivals worldwide. In 2006 he enrolled at the Academy of Drama Art , department of film and TV directing. In 2008 he made the film ‘Sreæko’ screened in the ZagrebDox competition. He assisted Branko Schmidt on ‘Metastaze’ and Kristijan Miliæ on ‘Primirje.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Tuesday, October 20th at 23.00

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