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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Libertango (out of the competition) / Libertango (izvan konkurencije)
Croatia , 2009.

Directed by: Sara Hribar
Script: Sara Hribar
Producer: Sara Hribar
Production company: Z.N.J.
Cinematography: Dario Hacek, Daniel Ruljanèiæ
Editing: Anja Novkoviæ
Cast: Jadranka Ðokiæ, Nataša Janjiæ, Frano Maškoviæ, Marija Tadiæ, Saša Anoèiæ, Dejan Aæimoviæ, Nataša Dorèiæ, Zrinka Cvitešiæ, Judita Frankoviæ, Ivan Bošnjak, Petar Leventiæ, Romina Vitasoviæ

Format: video
Running time: 60'

Libertango depicts the thin line of friendship and love, or rather misinterpreted friendship and love. Tamara and Julija are young piano teachers and room mates on the verge of a pathological relation. Tamara, exhausted by Julija's possessiveness, suddenly decides to take a business offer and leave for Paris and thus break up this illogical love, even though she is still not sure what exactly she wants. She is desperate and finally decides to hurt Julija and get rid of her in the most painful but simplest way. She brings home a man. However, love is a tricky business and her plan fails. Tango for three with a bit of classic.

Directors Biography
Sara Hribar was born in Zagreb in 1986. She graduated the piano from the Music School Blagoja as well as classic gymnasium. In 2005 she enrolled at the department of film and TV directing at Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb. She is a director, writer and producer of several independent feature films among which is ‘Let Me Sleep’ (2007) winning many awards as well as screening at more than 20 festivals worldwide.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Friday, October 23rd at 23.00

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