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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Waste Youth / Otpadnici
Croatia , 2009.

Directed by: Petar Oreškoviæ
Script: Koraljka Meštroviæ, Petar Oreškoviæ
Producer: Siniša Jurièiæ
Production company: Nucleus, Akademija dramske umjetnosti, Zagreb
Cinematography: Mak Vejzoviæ
Editing: Petar Petrovski
Music: Dubravko Robiæ
Cast: Jelena Lopatiæ, Luka Petrušiæ

Format: video
Running time: 15'

Landlord kicks a young couple, Vesna and Ivan, out of the flat because they cannot pay the rent. He throws their things out in the street. Bulk waste is being collected. The young couple spends a day in the street stealing food, Vesna puts on a thrown away wedding gown, they dance to the music of the street players. The street is being crammed with bulk waste. At the end of the day exhausted Vesna and Ivan begin to collect their furniture bit by bit, they are furnishing their flat from the bulk waste in the middle of the street. Ivan brings Vesna over the ‘threshold’. They make love in the bed in the middle of the street. The crane truck clamp is approaching down the street. It arrives to Ivan and Vesna's ‘flat’. It lifts furniture piece by piece. Finally, the clamp grips the bed with Ivan and Vesna in it. It lifts it ...

Directors Biography
Petar Oreškoviæ was born in Zagreb in 1980. He is a graduate of film and TV directing at the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb. His short film ‘The End of the Game’ screened at many European festivals and was awarded for the best short at GoEast Student Film Festival in Wiessbaden. ‘The Return of the Dead Man’ is his first feature documentary developed at the Discovery Campus Masterschool in 2005. The film premiered in IDFA competition.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Monday, October 19th at 23.00

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My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

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Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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