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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Liberation in 26 Pictures (out of the competition) / OsloboĆ°enje u 26 slika (izvan konkurencije)
Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina , 2009.

Directed by: Ivan Ramljak, Marko Å kobalj
Script: Ivan Ramljak, Marko Å kobalj
Producer: Orkan Bayram, Amra BakÅ”iƦ ƈamo
Production company: Obala Art Centar
Cinematography: Ivan SlipĆØeviƦ
Editing: Marin JuraniƦ
Music: Do Make Say Think, Oticon
Cast: Vlado JokanoviƦ, Ahmed Bahto, Esma ArnautoviƦ

Format: video
Running time: 17'

A forgotten old Partisan lives a lonely life. His only pass-time is observing neighbors and sumo. One day through his army binoculars he spots a scene which makes him do the last sabotage. The film was made as a part of the project ā€˜Sarajevo ā€“ Film Cityā€™.

Sarajevo Film Festival 2009 Atlantic Talent Award

Directors Biography
Ivan Ramljak was born in Zagreb in 1974. He has studied electric engineering and has long worked as a journalist and editor in written and electronic media covering film and music. From 1999 to 2004 he was one of the managers of the club MoĆØvara, author of Film Nights program in MoĆØvara and organizer of the first Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb. Since 2006, he has worked as a film producer and director.

Marko Å kobalj was born in 1974. He writes original comic books scripts, poetry, short stories and reviews. He is a translator of technical texts, comics and books, freelance copywriter, author of eight film scripts and director of two short films.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Friday, October 23rd at 23.00

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The Great 5

My first film - Spain

City Omnibuses

Brave Producers


Vip Bib for Kids

Film As Propaganda

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