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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Cut / Rez
Croatia , 2009.

Directed by: Daina Oniunas Pusiæ
Script: Daina Oniunas Pusiæ
Producer: Vedran Å uvar
Production company: Akademija dramske umjentosti, Zagreb
Cinematography: Ranka Latinoviæ
Editing: Danijel Pejiæ
Cast: Marija Škarièiæ, Ivana Rošèiæ

Format: video
Running time: 8'52''

Two long time friends talk in the kitchen. A benign conversation turns into a fight which reveals their tense, homoerotic and sadistic relation.

Directors Biography
Daina Oniunas Pusiæ was born in Zagreb in 1985. In 2005 she enrolled at BA program at the Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb, department of film directing. In 2008, she enrolled at MA program at the same department. She has made a dozen of short films and a 30 minute documentary. The short ‘At the Table’ won best actor award (Goran Bogdan) at the festival F.R.K.A. The short ‘Cut’ screened at the 40th Review of Croatian Film and Video in Zagreb 2008. She has made a music video clip for the band Detour and assisted on several commercials. She directed the dance performance ‘Passage’ (2009) and assisted on the feature film ‘Performance’ by Dan Oki in Split 2009.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Monday, October 19th at 23.00

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