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Zagreb Film Festival
17. - 23. October 2010

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691



Public Relations Office of the Zagreb Film Festivala, contacts

Hrvojka Begović
, head of the office
, +385 (0)91 2497034

Ivana Sansević, head of the press service and the contact person for journalists during the festival, +385 (0)91 5287 605

Koraljka Begović, office assistant and the contact person for the media crews on the field, +385 (0)98 9025 147 

Mia Gvozdić Michl, head of the press center, issuance of press passes
, +385 (0)91 5968 024

Telephone +385 1 4829 045 / +3851 4829 477
Fax +385 1 4593 691

Public relations office and press service of the Zagreb Film Festival are in charge of answering all journalist and media questions related to the festival and individual programs as well as to the distribution of press materials (texts, photos, film clips). Should you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Press Center is located throughout the festival in SC Gallery from Sunday, October 18 to Saturday, October 24, 2009. Working hours of the Press Center: 9 am – 9 pm.

In the Press Center you may receive all the necessary information on all festival programs, press materials, press passes as well as conduct previously arranged interviews.

In the Press Center, accredited journalists may use internet, telephone, fax as well as watch some of the films in the video-bar. The films available in the video-bar do not have Croatian subtitles. To watch the films it is required to sign in the time of watching at the counter of the Press Centre.

Press passes

The request for a press pass may be found on the festival web site under press link from October 1st through 14th, 2009 till 16.00 p.m.. Press Service issues press passes and sends notifications of pass issuance or application rejection.
Notification: Application for the pass does not guarantee the issuance of the pass! Press passes are available from the first day of the festival, October 18, 2009 in the Press Center.

Accompanying technical crew (cameramen, tone masters, organizers, …) do not receive press pass. Technical crew accompanying a journalist/reporter has access to all venues just like the journalist/reporter.

 Press Service reserves the right to withdraw the issued pass in case of abuse. Should you have any further questions, please contact the Press Service.


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500 Days of Summer in Movieplex
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